
Current reading:
On Writing by Stephen King
Writing Romances edited by Rita Gallagher
The Orphan Trains: Placing out in America by Marilyn Irvin Holt

Current work:
Kisses From Heaven: premise, chracter sketches, character goals, two scenes, working on chapter outlines
Silver Star: 1068 / 4538 (rewriting)


NAW Journals

  October 19, 2000:

Todays music: LeAnn Rimes: Sittin' on Top of the World

I am keeping up with my goal of 1000 words per day. Yesterday I added 1098 words and today another 1068. I was irritated yesterday. I was just getting on a roll, then it was time to go pick up the kids from school. By the time I babysat for two and a half hours, then it was time to get ready for church, then I had to fix dinner and eat. I was too tired by then to get back to it, or post another entry. Uh-well.

Today was spent househunting for my mom. She's wanting to move here. She had decided to move to Kansas, near my sister, then move down here in the spring. But we thought if we could find her a place here, then she'd only have to move once. So, we found two options today. She'll fly down next week to check them out, stay a few days and head back up. Hopefully one of these two will work out, or maybe something else will show up in the area.

It turned out that I won't be helping with the Girl Scouts everyday. They only meet twice a month, so next week is the meeting week. It was a good thing too, since we had all that house hunting to do today.

I snapped this picture of Scorch really fast. He's the first beanie baby that I've bought. I keep him on top of my desk, perched on the web cam. :)

On the way down from Kansas, we found this little out of the way gas station that had a bunch of beanie babies. I actually bought four. I got Nanook for James because he likes huskies and wolves. I bought Flutter for my niece. Her class was studying insects while I was there and she was constantly catching butterflies. For my other niece, I bought Swirly, the snail. While I was visiting, she'd found a slug in the bathtub, insisted on calling it a snail and kept it. WARNING: Slugs stink when kept in a small container. Yuk! My sister even bought algae disks at the pet store to feed it. The kids liked having another pet around, and I even encouraged my sister to keep it for them. But, the thing stunk horribly! ::shudder:: I'm glad to see the garden spider in our carport is still alive. He had a web up in the corner, not bothering anybody. James and I were so facinated by his web, that niether of us could bother him. I was so upset when the boy I babysit threw a rock at it. He said that he had killed it. I couldn't believe it. A couple of days later he showed up in another corner of the carport. Yeah! I can't stand large hairy turantulas, but garden spiders I can handle. :)

Not much exciting going on around here that I can think of. I've been completely ignoring my Romance 123 class. I suppose I should look at that tomorrow. But first I've got a story to critique. I have my work cut out for me then. TTFN!