Monster Z

Current reading:
Small paperbacks

Current work:
Wishers (F short): 5,187 / 5,187
Fantasy novel: 1027 / 1027
Silver Star: 1108 / 13,050 (rewriting)
Kisses From Heaven: premise, chracter sketches, character goals, two scenes, working on chapter outlines


NAW Journals

  November 16, 2000:

Todays music: Enya

Wow! It sure has been a while. Time really flies!

Less has happened writing wise than I wanted. I made the mistake of reading three of the Harry Potter books (don't get me wrong, they are great and I can't wait to get my hands on no. 4!) while writing inspirational romance. Now all I want to write is fantasy. I've got a novel idea and a short story idea that were just busting to get out of my head, so I let the muse lead me on, as they say.

A record breaking day today with over 5,000 words on that new short (I topped out at an average of 1270 words per hour, that's another record for me I think!). I'm just eager to get the thing out of my head. :) Not sure how either will turn out, but I'm excited about both.

In other news, Mom's house is finally closing. It should close tomorrow. We're leaving Sunday on a rush trip to head up there and move her down here. It's been a whirlwind since we just found this out yesterday!

I finally scraped up enough babysitting money to buy an AC adapter for my laptop. I'm scared to use it yet since I don't have a clue what polarity and volts to set it at. I ruined a gameboy because I didn't have it set right and I'm lucky my CD player still works. I'm calling customer service about this one, that way if it messes up my laptop, it'll be their fault. Hmm, I really should back up my hard drive before I try that too.

In other writerly stuff, I had a week or so of self-pity indugence. That's the reason for the majority of lack of writing the past two weeks. I was starting to feel like it was all a waste of time. It wasn't until yesterday, when James and I were talking about it, that he told me, if I give up now, these past 2 years (4 years if you count the first two of dabbling with a couple of ideas, but never really writing them out) would truly be a waste. Why give up now with 2 years of experience of writing.

I also decided that there are writers out there who would kill to have the kind of time I do to write. I work maybe 9 hours a week, if that, outside of the house. Everyone knows how bad of a maid I am around here (letting two weeks of dishes pile up is a bad sign), so I have all kinds of time to write. But I spend it reading or laying in front of the TV. I really need to do better.

So, for the millionth time, I've set some new goals. Silver Star needs to be finished by the end of the year and next year is going to be spent on polishing up the two novels I'd have finished to send them out. Maybe, just maybe, if I get a couple of promising rejections it will encourage me to get off my fanny and write more. We'll see.