Panda at ZooAtlanta

Current reading:
Writing Romances edited by Rita Gallagher
The Orphan Trains: Placing out in America by Marilyn Irvin Holt

Current work:
Kisses From Heaven: premise, chracter sketches, character goals, two scenes, working on chapter outlines
Editing Silver Star: 1300 words added


NAW Journals

  September 29, 2000:

Wow, has it really been nearly 2 weeks since I updated? Time flies. In just two days I'm gonna be seeing James again. It'll be nice to spend a couple of days at the Bed and Breakfast that we stayed at our wedding night. ;)

Last Friday was James' birthday. I told him I'm paying him back for being out of town last year on my birthday. :) I sent him a couple of things and he got them ON his birthday. We were both worried it'd be late.

We are leaving today, but I won't see James until Sunday night. We're gonna meet in Arkansas (sorta halfway). It's gonna be a looonnnngg weekend. :)

I'll probably not post another entry for awhile. I'll have to get things settled, dig ourselves out of phone bill debt and clean house (I'm scared to think what it looks like, although he did say that he'd have dishes done). The woman I babysit for is begging for me to come back, I hope she hasn't found someone else by now.

Well, I'm all packed except for the computer. Maybe I could get some writing in today. I've been working on Kisses in my head and I've got some plot problems worked through. I didn't get as much done on Silver as I thought I would. My sister handed me a stack of inspirational romances when I got here and I read several (correction, MANY) of those instead of working. ::sigh:: Uh-well. I'm gonna get working soon. I'm excited about Kisses. It has some real deep issues though and it will be difficult to work out.

We got lucky for dinner last night. I suggested instead of cooking, to go to this new pizza place that JUST opened. It's Hot Stuff pizza, one of those in a gas station. We have them at home, and they are delish! Anyway, so I go in there to get the kids a personal one, each, and a small for my sis and I to share. Lo and behold, it's training night and all personal pizzas were free! We walked out with four personal pizzas, two cupfulls of mini-cinnamon buns, one cup of chocolate chip cookies, and one cup of mini-blueberry muffins--ALL for FREE. Cul, huh? :) That happened to James and I once at home. We went into O'Charleys that had just opened. The woman asked us for an invitation and we said we didn't have one and didn't know we needed one. She explained that it was the opening night and it was only open by invitation, BUT we were welcome to stay, the buffet was FREE. It was yummy with their famous Prime Rib. :)

Time to post this and pack up the 'puter for the trip! TTFN!