This is not a web-ring. Just fellow writer's mailbox pages. :)
|Tippi N. Blevins | |Tobias S. Buckell | |Ron Collins | |Erin Cashier Denton | |Linda J. Dunn | |John Everson | |Lazette Gifford | |Jon Hansen | |James Hartley | |Caroline Austin Hazen | |Eric T. Jorgensen | |Terry Kanago | |Ruth Ellen Kostic | |Lorrie Kralka | |Mary Soon Lee | |Stephen Leigh | |Debbie Osorio | |Dawn Pasley | |Jenn Coleman-Reese | |Kurt Roth | |Dorothy Rothschild | |Diana Rowland | |Chiara Shah | |Lisa Silverthorne | |John Sullivan | |Tamela Viglione |

This is a daily journal of my work, rejections and/or publications.

Current totals:
2 short stories
1 novel
3 submissions
3 rejections
0 publications

December 26, 1998:
I just love Christmas! I MUST brag about my hubby's gift from his parents. You know those three-dimentional chess sets on Star Trek? His parents bought him one! He wanted to get it, but we found them much too expensive. This one is from the Franklin mint. It has glass boards and one side's peices are gold plated, the other side's are silver plated. We haven't played a game yet, the instructions are quite intimidating, to say the least. It's still a cul present!
My fave gift is Pooh's Little Instruction Book. I love it!!! Here's my favorite quotes from it:
"When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain and you Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it." (This one is very true for me!)
"When in doubt, keep in mind that 'O gallant Piglet' is always a very thoughtful way of beginning a piece of poetry."(I don't write poetry, but I liked this one anyway.)
"'Spelling isn't everything. There are days when spelling Tuesday simply doesnt count.'
--Rabbit" (I think this one might be my motto! :))
I must go on a very long driving trip this week. I'm not looking forward to the drive in the car, but there are two good things about it. 1) I'm not driving. Yeah! 2) I get to spend at least part of the time brainstorming with my hubby about my next novel. I plan to be ready to start writing on January 2. Hopefully then too, this web page will be in 'mothballs' (as Erin Cashier puts it :)) and a new one will be in this place.
I'm borrowing an idea from a fellow writers web page and I'm going to keep a running total for the year. I think it will be neat to keep track of. I will also have posted at the top of this new web page, my goals for the year. Hopefully, I will meet, if not exceed them.

December 22, 1998:
Ok, ok, I went and re-read Mark Budman's story, On the Subject of Magic(Through a Darkling Glass). It made much more sense than it did at 3:30 am. :) Great story. A must read! :)
I'm looking forward to getting to write in the new year. I have several novel ideas and I'd like to get my first novel revised and ready to send out proposals on it. I also have several shorts in mind that I'd like to write. Plus I need to send out my stories to more magazines. :)

December 20, 1998:
Wow! Has it been that long that I haven't written anything. Whoa!
Things have been crazy around here. We've been painting the inside of our house since, oh, August. The house has been in a wreck since then. We had new carpet put in on December 10th (finally), then I had to fast and furiously clean house for a Christmas party with some friends who were moving away. :( I think I finally have things put back in some semblance of an order so I can think about other things to do.
One bad thing about the new carpet (mainly the tearing up of the old) is the dust. The one thing I'm highly allergic to. So here I am at 3:30am with an athsma attack (I'm so tired I can't even spell!). I thought I might do some writing, but when I write at this time of night it tends to be delerious (get the picture?). :)
So I'm left with nothing to do at the moment but browse around and read some stories. I read a cul one on Through Darkling Glass. I can't tell you the author, or even the title, but trust me it's a good one. On the Subject of Magic, I believe was the title. The ending was a bit weak, but my kudos to the author, very discriptive (there goes my spelling again, is it descriptive or discriptive? Uh-well)
I'd better stop this rattle. I'm sure you tire of my delirium. :)

November 28, 1998:
Started a new short today. It feels good to be writing again.

November 27, 1998:
Ok, ok. It's time to get over that last rejection. I know. I haven't been writing, but I have been developing a novel and a short story. Although I've been thinking recently that the short might become a good novel. This next week I'm wanting to send out 'A Devil of a Night' to another magazine and touch up 'Jeriath's Myth' and send it to another one as well. I also want to decide my next project and get it rolling too. Thanks to my writerly friends on the 'net for encouraging me to get started again. :)

November 10, 1998:
Very painful eleven day rejection from Goblin Market. I felt that 'Jeriath's Myth' was a great story and it was torn to shreds. :::sigh:::

October 31, 1998:
For two days now I have been editing, 'Jeriath's Myth'. I had about 4 people read it and ran a grammar check on it. I finally declared it ready to go to Raechel for the Goblin Market. I wrote this story specifically for the GM and I think it is a great story. I'm sure Raechel won't, though, knowing my luck. :)

October 21, 1998:
Nice nine day rejection today from E-scape. This editor said exactly the opposite from what Raechel at Jackhammer said. AAAGGGHHH!!!!

October 14, 1998:
Wonderful news today! I finished the rough draft of my first novel: Erin Glen, Book I. Yeah! Way cul! Check out the specifics on my Novel Dare page.

October 13, 1998:
Still waiting from E-scape, I'm expecting it will take about twenty days.
Started my story, "Jeriath's Myth", for The Goblin Market. It's going to be a great story, much longer than "Devil of a Night".

October 12, 1998:
Today I sent "Devil of a Night", my first short story for publication, to E-scape. It's already been to Jackhammer and Raechel gave me a very nice rejection letter after two days!

If you'd like to see my first novel journal, click here!

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